Why do people insist on getting on the bus and and telling the driver the fare they want to pay, rather than where they are travelling to. I’d like a Free ticket, but what I want to pay is fucking irrelevant. Ask for your destination you muppet. If the price changes, your request is either a.) meaningless or b.) you get a ticket that can’t get you far enough. How happy will you be when the driver demands you disembark 3 villages earlier than you want, because that’s what you paid for? You’d be seething.
Congratulations, you’ve caught this bus before and you know how much they charged you, that’s great. The fact you’ve either remembered or were capable of actually reading the ticket does possibly put you ahead of the intelligence curve when it comes to bus travel. But you know what? You really aren’t helping anybody, especially yourself. If the driver is new to the route, this information means nothing to them. They don’t have a £3.50 button, they have buttons relating to place names or stop numbers.
Just ask for the goddamn stop you want. Unless somebody decides to switch the name of your village with another one two towns closer, you’re never going to run into a problem.
*grumble*, *grumble*