
All articles by cags


£3.50 ticket please.

Why do people insist on getting on the bus and and telling the driver the fare they want to pay, rather than where they are travelling to. I’d like a Free ticket, but what I want to pay is fucking irrelevant. Ask for your destination you muppet. If the price changes, your request is either
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DLC, Disc Loaded Content?

For those of you that don’t know, DLC is an initialism for ‘Downloadable Content’. On the face of it, DLC is a great idea. Who doesn’t relish the thought of an extra slice of that cake you enjoyed so much? There’s a charge involved of course, but hey, you’re getting an extra slice of cake so
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Bus Driver Chat Up

When it comes to disembarking from the bus, it seems there are 3 different kinds of people. Type One – The Mute Do you get off the bus without acknowledging the driver? You’re an asshole. Don’t get me wrong, being a bit of an introvert myself, I can respect quiet people. But there is no
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Child Cow Catcher

These days there seem to be many names for the humble perambulator, whether it be push chair, buggy, stroller or pram. One term that I wouldn’t personally associate with the humble baby carriage is ‘Cow Catcher’. This however appears to be the preferred modus operandi of far too many delightful young mothers I come across. Don’t
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Hello world!